dimecres, 19 d’octubre del 2011
My favorite song
I love this song.it's a really cute song. count on me remembers that i count on my friends. my friends always help me. I think that count on me is a beutiful song. also i think that lyrics are true. I always I help my friends. although if they find yourself lost in the dark and they can't see I'll be the light to guide they. When we are called to help our friend I need, they can count on me. Because that's friends are supossed to do. Count on me also I like because the song it's different. Much songs talk about the love but this talk the love for friends. this song is my favorite for all things that I explain.
dilluns, 17 d’octubre del 2011
Intelligence test
This graphic shows what types of intelligence predominate in me.
The intelligences that are predominant in me are: the people smart, myself smart, music smart, picture smart and word smart. In this activity I was surprised at the results didn’t know that myself smart, people smart and picture smart were my best qualities. So this has socked me. I thought that my best qualities were the number smart and music smart.
I don’t agree. Maybe the result are the really intelligence in me and I don’t know.
I think that doesn’t coincide with my presentshabilities. Although the music smart I think that concide with my presents abilities.
My possibles carrers are:
- entrepreneur
- psychologist
- personal counselor
- nurse
- administrator
- teacher
dimarts, 11 d’octubre del 2011
Impossible is nothing!

My dreams are finishing the ESO and Batxillerat with good marks. The other dream is that I am going to choose my future studies. Because I don't know what degree I have to choose. I'm very confused.
I'm sure that It will be difficult , but I think that I can do it. The other problem is that I don't want to make a mistake when I choose my degree but I am positive. I think that I don't want to make a mistake. I'm going to have very good marks. I hope that.The other challenge that I have is to pass the next grade of ballet. The last year I had the grade 6 with a good mark. I was very happy because the exam was very difficult and I pass it. I started the grade7. It’s very difficult. If I want to pass it I will have to fight and study. But I think that I can do it.
dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2011
The dolphins are very beautiful. They are gray and they are very soft. They measure between 1-20 meters.
Dolphins are social and live in groups. In general the dolphins have a lot of energy. Sometimes the dolphins do acrobatic figures. The acrobatic figures are amazing.
Dolphins are well known as intelligent and charismatic. Their mouths seem that forever smile. They can be trained to perform complex tricks.
In the wild, these swimmers can reach speeds of over 18 miles (30 kilometers) an hour. The dolphins are mammal. His diet is carnivore.We have similar the energy and I am cheerful and they too. The dolphins like do an acrobatic figures and I like ballet and this is similar. He is mammal as me.
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