dimecres, 19 de juny del 2013


Home is a documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. It tries to make us take notice of our world, because it’s our home so we have to look after it.

This interesting documentary shows us how the world was with astonishing pictures and how it is now. So when you see it you start to think about it and you realize that we are doing something wrong. We are destroying the planet. So we have to solve this, because it we don’t do it, we will kill Earth. 
The Earth gives us everything, for example the forests to create the air we breathe a simple action and we destroy the forest. This is illogical! It is our fault that the level of the sea is rising and cities are starting to disappear. The animals die because we destroy their habitat and we cut the lifecycle chain.
The video shows that we have to do something because we are destroying our home. It also shows all the problems associated with the climate change and the consequences.
We have to stop it because we are responsible for our home.
In conclusion, I liked watching it because it made me think about all the things that the humans are doing wrong. Also, I want to say that this video has very nice pictures and good music but maybe is too.


  •  Fukushima nuclear plant: Toxic isotope found in groundwater

  • High levels of a toxic radioactive isotope have been found in groundwater at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator says.
    Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said tests showed Strontium-90 was present at 30 times the legal rate. The radioactive isotope tritium has also been detected at elevated levels. The plant, crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, has recently seen a series of water leaks and power failures. The tsunami knocked out cooling systems to the reactors, which melted down. Water is now being pumped in to the reactors to cool them but this has left Tepco with the problem of how to safely store the contaminated water.

    Tests showed that levels of strontium in groundwater at the Fukushima plant had increased 100 times since the end of last year and the levels of radioactive isotope tritium too. 

    These chemicals can make a lot of problems for people´s health. With this news we can see that nuclear plants aren’t a good idea. The nuclear plants have big levels of radioactivity and this is is the worst thing for our body, because it affects genetic material and it kills you slowly. So we have to try to create power in other ways. If we do it we won’t put our health and the earth in risk. So if we want we can do it. It’s only our decision to change the world. We could get rid of all nuclear plants for the good of humanity and the future generations.

    Water leaks –fuites d’aigua
    Pump- bombejar
    Melted down- fos

Welsh Cakes

I think that I never did a post of a recipe so today I am going to write about it. This recipe gave my littel cousin.


240g flour (or self raising flour)
90g butter
90g caster sugar
Handful of raisins 
1 medium egg
1/2 teaspoon of baking power
Pinch of salt
Pinch of cinnamon
A little milk (if necessary)

Put the self-raising flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl. Use a fork to mix all of the ingredients together.
Cut the butter into 2cm cubes.
Add the butter to the mix and use your fingers to rub the butter into the mixture until it is crumbly.
Break the egg into a bowl and whisk lightly until mixed.
Add the egg, sugar and raisins to the mixture. Mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon.
Sprinkle some flour on a wooden board and use a rolling pin to roll out the mixture to about 1cm thick.
Cut out as many cakes as possible.
Add a little to a frying pan and heat. Add some of the cakes to the pan and cook for three minutes. Turn the cakes over and cook for another three minutes. Each side should be golden brown.
Sprinkle some sugar on top.

diumenge, 9 de juny del 2013

Something to improve

1. Can you see an improvement on your level of English in these last two years? 
Where, for example?
Yes, I'm sure. I think that on of the most important reasons of it is thanks the blog. Because we wrote a lot so I have practiced it.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English? 

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why? 
When I said before the writings and oral exams. Because with writings I learn a lot of vocabulary and I practice all the grammar. But the harder thing of the blog is think about new topics. And with oral exams because we have to speak in english. 

4. Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not? 
I think that all activities improve your english level.

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English? 
I like to do more readings and more listenings and also work more vocabulary in class.

dijous, 6 de juny del 2013



(opens door and Hatty appears)
Harry: Are you kidding me? What the f**k?
Holly: Ooh.. upsii..mm  It's not what you think!
Harry: John! How can you do that? I assumed that we were friends
John: Well... She was first
Holly: Oh, John, come on!
Harry: It can't be true. We have dated since 7th grade. And, John, We have been friends since our childhood. I need an explanation.
John: Why not? I love Holly. You know that I love her before you fall in love with her.
Holly. I love you too, but we were studying and then...
Harry: Oh my God! Stop! I don't want to listen anymore
(Harry hits John, but Holly separates them)
Harry:( to Holly) you are a big b***h! (to John) and you... and you... you are a shithead!
(He closes the door bravely)
Holly: (to John) Sorry! But you don't love me, do you? 
John: Holly! Hand on a second!
(But Holly leaves)

dissabte, 1 de juny del 2013

Oral presentation

We talked about the problems of teen moms. A big problem of our society so we tryed to make awared the teenegers.
I think that we use a good presentation because it's strutured. We use the "prezi" program and with it you can organize your ideas very well. The strucutre of my presentation I think that it's clear. Body language and eye contact: I think that I did this very bad. Because I saw the peaper a lot because I was very nervous. And I think that is the most thing that I need to improve it a lot.
 I think that we explained you a lot of new information. I think that we choose a good information. And it's the topic of all my presentations that I like more.  I Know that  my pronuntation it isn't correct. 

final mark: 7


Is it true that the world wants to get rid of famine?

Today I want to suggest a question? Is it true that the world wants to get rid of famine?
Yes, obviously if someone asks you this you will answer yes. But it's a topic to think about . All the world talks about all the problems that humanity has. But not many people do anything to correct them. There are some organizations that fight to solve the problems, but it's very difficult for them to wipe out the global famine. They can't get money for the solution Few people know that if 1% of all money destined for weapons was used to stop global famine, the problem would be finished. So the problem isn't that there isn't a solution but the problem is that if they are not interested enough in wiping out  famine or probably they don't want to stop budget for weapons, possibly because they are scared  if someone does a military coup.


A good friend
Berta's a good friend of mine. I've know her since chilhood. She's tall, blue-eyed and she's got quite long blonde hair. She's is very attractive, quite sexy and she's fair-skinned. She usually looks quite well-dressed.
Berta seens quite introverted withe the peopel that she doesn't know, but on the inside she's extroverted and good fun.
She's the kind of person who I feel confortable with. She's friendly, sometimes pessimistic but other times optimisstic. She says exactly what she thinks. But I am used to this. I really like this caracteristic of her personality because I know that she isn't two-faced. Also Berta's very chatty.
This girl really likes going out, going shopping, all things realted with make up and hair, and I think taht she is obssesed with getting fit. Because every day she goes to gym.
One thing that I really like about her is that she never says no if you are her friend.
She should be less shy with people she does not know.
I hope that our friedship continue for a long time. She is very special she's unique.