dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012
Self evaluation
-Presentation: I think that we use a good presentation because it's strutured. we use the "prezi" program and with it you can organize your ideas very well. we can show some images abaout the tribe of Tukanas. (10%)
- ody language and eye contact: I think that I did this very bad. Because I saw the peaper a lot because I was very nervous. (5.5%)
-Structure: The strucutre of my presentation I think that it's clear. We divide the topic with: introduction (speak Tura), tukanas rite ( I speak), and conclusions (speak together). (10%)
-Content: I think that we explained you a lot of new information. I think that we choose a good information. We explain the past dorm chilhood to adulthood because we think that it's more interesting. (35%)
-Language: we did some errors because we are nervous. We used a simple words. (15%)
-Pronuntation: I need to improve it. Because I Know that my pronuntation it isn't correct. (5 %)
-My final mark: 8
- ody language and eye contact: I think that I did this very bad. Because I saw the peaper a lot because I was very nervous. (5.5%)
-Structure: The strucutre of my presentation I think that it's clear. We divide the topic with: introduction (speak Tura), tukanas rite ( I speak), and conclusions (speak together). (10%)
-Content: I think that we explained you a lot of new information. I think that we choose a good information. We explain the past dorm chilhood to adulthood because we think that it's more interesting. (35%)
-Language: we did some errors because we are nervous. We used a simple words. (15%)
-Pronuntation: I need to improve it. Because I Know that my pronuntation it isn't correct. (5 %)
-My final mark: 8
dijous, 22 de novembre del 2012
Marató de TV3
The 2012 edition of La Marató de TV3 will be on Sunday 16 December and will deal with cancer, the leading cause of death among people aged between 35 and 70.
The latest scientific research is opening up new ways for curing cancer: with the identification of tumorous stem cells work is being done to simplify the complexity of the disease and to attack it with personalised treatments.
Catalonia has research teams that are very well prepared. For that reason, this December’s La Marató de TV3 will motivate the public for the benefit of oncological research with the aim of advancing personalised treatments for cancer so as to ensure that this disease is no longer fatal but can become chronic.
So, I think that it's very important to help this edition. If all persons pay only 10€ this edition become the best edition. And with this money they will can advanccing in the treatments for cancer. So, please help it's very easy, You can make donations through Servicaixa and www.tv3.cat/marato or through a bank transfer to La Caixa, to the account number 2100 0555 31 0201001500 or call this number 905 11 50 50.
The latest scientific research is opening up new ways for curing cancer: with the identification of tumorous stem cells work is being done to simplify the complexity of the disease and to attack it with personalised treatments.
Catalonia has research teams that are very well prepared. For that reason, this December’s La Marató de TV3 will motivate the public for the benefit of oncological research with the aim of advancing personalised treatments for cancer so as to ensure that this disease is no longer fatal but can become chronic.
So, I think that it's very important to help this edition. If all persons pay only 10€ this edition become the best edition. And with this money they will can advanccing in the treatments for cancer. So, please help it's very easy, You can make donations through Servicaixa and www.tv3.cat/marato or through a bank transfer to La Caixa, to the account number 2100 0555 31 0201001500 or call this number 905 11 50 50.
Big mistake
One of the anecdotes that left the debate held in three 8tv between Artur Mas, Pere Navarro and Alicia Sanchez-Camacho on Wednesday was the image of the Catalan PP candidate showing a graph of the popular savings proposed several measures for the Government. However, the contents of the graph has been overshadowed by the sum of the figures. The operation is simple, was incorrect. The graph shows a saving of 700 million in grants, 500 in the public sector and 118 public companies. The total is 1318 and not 1218 as stated the board.
The graph has been circulating quickly through social networks that pointed the mistake and they made jokes.
I think that is so funny. How can someone wrongs in a simpel sum? hahahaha Maybe those 100 more are for "espenyolitzar" the Catalans. I know that the humans make mistakes but this mistake can't do it in a debate preparated. It's amaizing. Luckily, that on sunday there will celebrate elections. So, soon we will get the independence.
dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

Rowing is a sport that you need a lot off power. Because we have to overcome the power of the whater. As you can see we don't have much strength. we are working for to getting fit. We run, we are going to the gym and rowing when don't have cold.
My team isn't the best but I so proud to be in it. This summer we weren't ther first but we were third. we strived hard and it paid off.
When we go to competicions we spend a very good time. because we travel arround of Cataloia. and we visit a lot off place. Usualy we spend a weekend and we sleep in hotel or camping. So this weekends are amaizing! two days without parents and we are with our best friends.
The rowing isn't just a sport, we aren't just a group, we are eight athletes thinking like one athlete. The feeling is perfect.
diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012
the bigger you are, the harder you fall
"the bigger you are, the harder you fall"

One day a friend told me this sentence, he had all reson. But I answer: Yes, it's true but the life are only two days. So, I think that it's worth the risk. The fall can get me a lot of hurt. But if I fall I know that my friends will be there for suport me and cheer me.
And now he is making me suffer. But I know that everything will work out. I'm in three metters above the sky so I can't come down. If we talk of our problemes they will be solved. Now, we can forget the proud.
In conclusion this sentence: the bigger you are, the harder you fall, she can help you but think that the life are only two days. So carpe diem.
dissabte, 17 de novembre del 2012
Rebel song- Firework
best things, aren't things
Yes, it's true the best things aren't things. It's true. All the things for exemple: the clothes, the phones, the computers, the ipads, the shoes... these things maybe they have to feel you better. But if you think you can see that this happiness they can't be compareted with the feelings that you feel when you are with your friends, for exemple. The phones they can't help you, they can't be happy, they can't do laugh. They can't help you when you are sad. yes, the friends are the best thing that you will can have. More than the love. Your love isn't stay when you need it but the friends ever are when you need they. Just, I want to say thanks all my friends because I know that I can count on you and they will be there. Thanks for all. They know that they can count on me. I ever will be there.
Part of my life, the ballet

One thing that it's very important in my life it's the ballet. It's amaizing I can't express what I feel, I feel happy, sad, exited all the same time. I feel that I'm flaying. Somtimes I feel that I'am a other world.
I don't want to seem conceited but when I'm in the stage I feel that I can eat the world it's the best feeling of the world. All people are looking you, only that I do it's dance. Maybe before I go dancing I'm very nervous but when I start to dance everethings changes. It doesn't matter if you're wrong, just feel the ballet and enjoy it. Ballet is my life. I would like practise it every day but I can't do it.
When I start the hight school I tried to go to ballet in Monday, Wendsday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday but I couldn't to do it because I have a lot off work. So now only I'm going to ballet in Weendsday, Friday and Saturday. This isn't enought but I can't do any more.
Only say that the ballet is a very hard sport. Yes, I consider that it's a beautiful sport.
Penny's wish (Fairy tale)
Once upon a time an ordinary girl lived in Manhattan, her name was Penny and she went to high school in the morning and in the afternoon she worked in Mc Lauren’s café because her parents didn’t have enough money to pay for the university. She was 17 years old and she lived with her parents. She thought that her life was very unfortunate because she wasn’t popular and she had freak friends. In high school she was invisible because nobody knew her except her two best friends, Lily and Jimmy. Penny was in love with a popular boy, Barney but he didn’t know anything about her.
One day when she was working in Mc Lauren’s café she received a Whats App, she read the message: “If you send this message to three people you can ask for a wish” but she didn’t pay attention so she continued working. When she was returning back home she thought that maybe she should send the message to try it. Before she went to sleep she sent the Whats App and then she asked for a wish: “To be popular and go out with Barney”.
The next day when she woke up and she got dressed her looks were changed. Then she arrived in the high school and she was in shock because everybody greeted and looked at her. Later she became a football cheerleader and she met some popular friends. In a football team there was a captain who was Barney. They invited her to a party and that night she went to the feast, there she talked with Barney and they fell in love. The next days they met and did a lot of things so Barney asked her if she wanted go out with him and Penny accepted. Her wish was fulfilled. While she was more popular, her old friends were more distant and she missed them. She didn’t feel comfortable with her new friends. Although this was her dream she didn’t like her new life, but she didn’t do anything to change.
The final dance arrived (18th of June) and everybody was worried about the dress. But Jimmy was worried about how he told Penny that he was fell in love her. On 18th of June the party started and everybody wore beautiful dresses. The nominated queen of the party were Penny and other popular girls. Penny and Barney were dancing when Jimmy approached them. Barney asked him: “Where is your partner?” and Jimmy answered: “I don’t have any”, “Why?” asked Barney, “Because I lost my opportunity” said Jimmy and Barney said “I fight for her”. Jimmy saw Penny and said “Sorry about this but I need to say that I love you”. Immediately Barney hit Jimmy and they fought, Penny started to cry and tried to separate them but Barney pushed her. She was crying a lot and she said to Jimmy “Why didn’t you tell me it before? I love you too” Jimmy said “Now it’s too late” and he left.
When the party end Penny went to home and she tried to restart the Whats App because she wanted the other life. She went to sleep and next day when she woke up the clothes and the other things were as before.
Morale: Be careful with your wishes because isn’t always what you expect.
Other email
Dear Lily,
Thanks for your letter. It was interesting to hear that now you are interesed in sports.
I'm sorry but I won't be able to go running with you in the morning because I have to watch over my brother.
Sincerly, there are many gyms in my area. If I were you, I'd go to Place gym because it isn't very expensive and they have a very good equipament.
I'm of the opnion that it's not as important the time that you spend doing something as how you do that. So, twice a week it's okay if you work hardly.
About improve your swimming level meet me every saturday at my house. You know that in my house I have a big pool . So, we can train in it. We can train in time at 10 a.m. If you are agree with that place let me know.
Thanks for your letter. It was interesting to hear that now you are interesed in sports.
I'm sorry but I won't be able to go running with you in the morning because I have to watch over my brother.
Sincerly, there are many gyms in my area. If I were you, I'd go to Place gym because it isn't very expensive and they have a very good equipament.
I'm of the opnion that it's not as important the time that you spend doing something as how you do that. So, twice a week it's okay if you work hardly.
About improve your swimming level meet me every saturday at my house. You know that in my house I have a big pool . So, we can train in it. We can train in time at 10 a.m. If you are agree with that place let me know.
divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012
Formal letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
With reference to your advertisement from the internet, I am writing to ask for were information about adventure activity holidays.
First of all, I would like to say that has been a long time since I looked for something which makes me feel fun and exciting. Therefore when I saw your advertisement I just could think that it had been done for me. However, as I have never done anything similar, Iwould like to know if there are some starter lessons.
I would be grateful if you could desing me a made activity holiday which should include water esports,
not very dangerous.
Finally, I would like to know if the price includes, appart from the travel, acomodation and meals.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Marina Colomer
With reference to your advertisement from the internet, I am writing to ask for were information about adventure activity holidays.
First of all, I would like to say that has been a long time since I looked for something which makes me feel fun and exciting. Therefore when I saw your advertisement I just could think that it had been done for me. However, as I have never done anything similar, Iwould like to know if there are some starter lessons.
I would be grateful if you could desing me a made activity holiday which should include water esports,
not very dangerous.
Finally, I would like to know if the price includes, appart from the travel, acomodation and meals.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Marina Colomer
dissabte, 10 de novembre del 2012
Catalonia: New European State
On eleven
of September there was a demonstration. It was an unusual, amazing because
there were a lot of people. It was organized by Assemblea Nacional Catalana.
the objective was that Catalunya will
became independent. The number of participants
was estimated at about 1.5 million – 2 million. But the delegation of the Spanish
government in Catalonia estimated the number at 600,000
that strange… A banner with the slogan "Catalonia:
New European State" led the march. Many
newspapers and other news agencies described it as a "historic"
demonstration and considered it to be the biggest protest march ever held in
Catalonia since the restoration
of democracy in Spain.
I attended this event. It was incredible. I couldn’t not move, there
were too many people. I just need to say that we made history. This demonstration
showed that all the people of Catalonia want to get independents.
We can, we will get the independence.
divendres, 9 de novembre del 2012
Adrian Mole and Thirteen

The adolescence’s a really difficult stage to live because there are so many problems.Tracy and Adrian are the same age and have a lot of problems with their families.
In Adrian Mole’s book we can read that Adrian’s best friend is who fails him but in the film we can see the opposite situation, where Tracy fails her best friend, but she can't so anything for to save her.
I want to say that I don't remember very well the book. but in the film Evie’s is who really shows to Tracy the bad ways to change. And for Evie, Tracy started to use some drugs and cut herself. And I think that in the book the drugs didn't appear.
In my opinion I like more the movie because in her you can see that there are a lot of people living hard situation. And I like more the charecters of the movie. But I think that the problems start at fifteen and not at thirteen.
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